The Good Death points us toward a great article from "Scientific American" that discusses consciousness after death.
Voodoo Medicine Man gives us pointers on "How to Know You're in the Wrong ER".
Sallysue, a new nurse-blogger at Sallysue's Soapbox, is singing the "Night Shift Blues"
Leo Levy at DNR/DNI gives us all his trademark, reality check with his post, "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down".
Last and definitely NOT least... It's been waaaay too long since I last visited Pallimed's Arts & Humanities section. Very stupid on my part (I'm subscribing to the site as I write this). Here are just a couple tidbits to entice you to visit: "Postmortem Photography - A Lost Art?" and a great post featuring artist "Laurie Lipton".
The article about postmortem photography completely jogged my memory about an adventure that I need to write about. Yay!