It's horribly cold and wet... rain and snow... snow and rain.
Due to the endless, damp, hallways and cavernous rooms of DM Manor, I've shut myself up within the confines of my humble boudoir. From here, I am comforted by a rollicking fire in the fireplace and the warm glow of the Apple symbol from the back of my MacBook. I've not been out of my peignoir since... Well, I don't really know. I've been quite involved with the Internet wasteland and playing my favorite RPG, Okami on the Wii.
I'm taking a little time off from work right now. A "staycation" if you will. You'll likely not notice any difference in the Chronicles, because I'm quite preoccupied with writing at this time. Especially with regard to adding to my "True Adventures". These are the most difficult to write and cause no end of pain, suffering and bleeding from my eyes.
Nevertheless, I am thinking of you all and dearly hope that you and your loved ones are keeping warm and cozy. For now, I shall snuggle with my dear Munchkin and pour another Pinot Noir.
Sounds like a perfect day.
And may I say your little Munchkin looks to be a very lively friendly little critter. ;)
Wow, that rain and snow sure gave Munchie a bad hair day. Better get Jeeves to give her a little grooming attention!
I beg to differ... Munchkin has never looked better. Besides, Jeeves is too busy with foot massage duty.
I'll have nightmares, now.
(Weirdly, the word verification thing has given me the word 'arousal' to type in.)
Uh oh, I think nursemyra's "word verification thing" mistakenly found it's way over to my blog.
(this one is 'rollin'... make of that what you will.)
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